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Norwich Residents Ask: What Causes Women’s Hair to Fall Out?

Hair loss Hair Restoration in Norwich, CTaffects women in many of the same ways as men, yet women’s hair loss may be more detrimental because of the emotional implications of the condition. Some people consider a woman’s hair closely linked to her femininity and attractiveness, whereas men are considered distinguished. A woman may live with shame and embarrassment for many years before exploring her options for hair loss. Connecticut Surgical Arts offers hair transplant treatment and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy for women who have areas of thinning hair.

Reasons for Women’s Hair Loss

A woman may experience bouts of hair loss throughout her life due to pregnancy, menopause, stress, medication side effects, and other circumstances. These are short-term, easily manageable situations. Androgenetic hair loss is different. This condition is genetic in nature and results in permanent thinning of the hair. Fortunately, androgenetic alopecia is treatable with hair transplants and PRP therapy.

Treatments for Women’s Hair Loss

One of the benefits of a long history of treating hair loss in men within the medical community is that it has allowed for the introduction and refinement of techniques. These techniques are most successful in situations where thinning or balding occurs in only a small part of the scalp. Hair loss in women tends to unfold as a generalized thinning over the entire scalp, and this is an ideal situation for our advanced hair transplants and PRP therapy treatments.

Micrograft Transplant for Hair Loss in Women

“Strip” transplants are the longest-standing solution for hair loss, but the technique requires the person to live with an extensive scar and unnatural hair growth pattern. Our micrograft hair transplants require smaller sections of donor hairs that are taken from various areas of the scalp. The micrografts are transplanted in a manner that mimics the natural growth pattern. The results are superior to the “strip” technique.

PRP Therapy for Hair Loss in Women

PRP is a component of your blood that contains growth factors that are known to stimulate the development of cells within the body. When PRP is administered in the scalp, it helps to grow viable hair shafts better compared to treatments without PRP therapy. We offer PRP treatments as standalone procedures in which PRP is injected into the scalp or as part of your micrograft hair transplant procedure.

The Prognosis for Women’s Hair Loss

The new techniques that are used for treating hair loss in women have proven successful in reversing thinning that occurs in female patients. The hair shafts are more viable, and many women see their hair fully restored within six to 12 months. The timeline does vary based on how quickly a person’s hair grows and how much thinning has occurred prior to the treatment.

Are You Living with Women’s Hair Loss? Contact Connecticut Surgical Arts.

Hair loss in women was once a taboo subject because the condition was not understood to be similar to hair loss in men. Now women have options for hair loss. To learn more about our treatments for women’s hair loss, contact Connecticut Surgical Arts to schedule a consultation.